Early Rapid Transit Systems

Index For This Page

This page was last updated on October 4, 2014.

(Return to Andre Kristopans' Index Page)

Compiled by Andre Kristopans.

Boston, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia

This is a listing of opening dates of all segments of rapid transit systems predating WW2. Service details are not provided in most cases, as they are unknown or sketchy at best. Names of stations are the current (or final) as many street names have changed over the years, and again details are many times scarce and/or unavailable.


Main Line Elevated

06/10/1901 Began service SULLIVAN SQUARE to DUDLEY via Tremont St streetcar subway

08/22/1901 Rerouted some service via Atlantic Ave Elevated

11/30/08 Replaced service via Tremont St Subway with service via Washington St Tunnel

11/22/09 Extended from Dudley to FOREST HILLS

03/15/19 Extended from Sullivan Square to EVERETT

09/30/38 Closed Atlantic Ave Elevated, all service now via Washington St Tunnel


01-03 Wason 1899 (samples)
04-033 Wason 1899
034-078 St Louis 1899
079-0100 Osgood-Bradley 1899
0101-0150 Wason 1901
0151-0174 St Louis 1904
0175-0219 Pressed Steel 1906 (1st steel cars)
0220-0239 Pressed Steel 1911
0240-0264 AC&F 1914
0265-0294 Pressed Steel 1914
0295-0336 Pressed Steel 1917
0337-0401 Pressed Steel 1921
0901-0975 Laconia 1927
0976-01000 Wason 1928

Cambridge-Dorchester Subway

03/23/12 Began service HARVARD to PARK ST

10/26/12 Extended service from Harvard to STADIUM for special events only

04/04/15 Extended service from Park St to DOWNTOWN CROSSING

12/03/16 Extended service from Downtown Crossing to SOUTH STATION

12/15/17 Extended service from South Station to BROADWAY

06/19/18 Extended service from Broadway to ANDREW

11/05/27 Extended service from Andrew to FIELDS CORNER, over former railroad line

09/01/28 Extended service from Fields Corner to ASHMONT, over former railroad line


0600-0639 Standard Steel 1911
0640-0659 Laconia 1912
0660-0694 Pressed Steel 1919
0695-0754 Osgood Bradley 1928

East Boston Tunnel

04/21/24 Began service BOWDOIN to MAVERICK, using former streetcar tunnel


0500-0539 Pullman 1923
0540-0547 Pullman 1924


Metropolitan West Side Elevated RR

Metropolitan West Side Elevated Ry (02-03-99)
Chicago Rapid Transit Co (01-09-24)

05/06/1895 Began Logan Square Line service between CANAL and DAMEN

05/15/1895 Extended from Canal to FRANKLIN

05/25/1895 Extended from Damen to LOGAN SQUARE

06/17/1895 Began Garfield Park Line service between Franklin and CICERO

07/29/1895 Began Humboldt Park Line service between Franklin and LAWNDALE

08/28/1895 Began Douglas Park Line service between Franklin and 18TH

09/08/1896 Extended Douglas Park Line from 18th to WESTERN

10/11/1897 Closed Franklin terminal, extended all routes to Inner Loop

03/10/1902 Extended Douglas Park Line from Western to LAWNDALE

06/16/1902 Extended Douglas Park Line from Lawndale to PULASKI

08/17/1902 Extended Garfield Park Line from Cicero to LARAMIE

10/03/04 Rerouted some Mon-Fri rush service from all routes into WELLS ST TERMINAL

03/11/05 Extended Garfield Park Line from Laramie to DESPLAINES over Chicago Aurora & Elgin RR tracks

05/22/07 Extended Douglas Park Line from Pulaski to KENTON

12/16/07 Extended Douglas Park Line from Kenton to CICERO

08/16/10 Extended Douglas Park Line from Cicero to LARAMIE

08/01/12 Extended Douglas Park Line from Laramie to CENTRAL

08/01/15 Extended Douglas Park Line from Central to LOMBARD

03/16/24 Extended Douglas Park Line from Lombard to OAK PARK

10/01/26 Extended Garfield Park Line from Desplaines to ROOSEVELT via CA&E tracks

12/01/30 Extended Garfield Park Line from Roosevelt to CERMAK/MANNHEIM via CA&E tracks


100-199 Pullman 1894 (trailer) to CRT 2100-2199
200-224 Pullman 1895 (trailer) to CRT 2200-2224
225-249 Pullman 1897 (trailer) to CRT 2225-2249
250-267 Harlan & Hollingsworth 1899 (trailer) to CRT 2250-2267
268-311 AC&F 1900 (trailer) to CRT 2268-2311
312-340 AC&F 1901 (trailer) to CRT 2312-2340
500-511 AC&F 1900 (trailer) to CRT 2500-2511
512-520 AC&F 1901 (trailer) to CRT 2512-2520
701-755 Barney & Smith 1894 to CRT 2701-2755
756-763 Barney & Smith 1898 to CRT 2756-2763
764-781 Barney & Smith 1899 to CRT 2764-2781
782-789 Jewett 1901 to CRT 2782-2789
790-812 Jewett 1904 to CRT 2790-2812
813-857 AC&F 1904 to CRT 2813-2857
858-907 Pullman 1906 to CRT 2858-2907
908-927 Pullman 1907 to CRT 2908-2927



06/06/1892 Began Jackson Park Line service CONGRESS ST to 39TH ST (later PERSHING RD), using steam locomotives. Opened intermediate stations at 12TH ST (later ROOSEVELT RD), 18TH ST, 22ND ST (later CERMAK RD), 26TH ST, 29TH ST, 31ST ST, 33RD ST, 35TH ST (later TECH/35TH)

08/15/1892 Extended service from 39th St to 47TH ST, opened intermediate stations at INDIANA AV and 43RD ST

10/01/1892 Extended service from 47th St to 55TH ST (later GARFIELD BLVD), opened intermediate station at 51ST ST

01/22/1893 Extended service from 55th St to 61ST ST, opened intermediate station at 58TH ST

04/23/1893 Extended service from 61st St to DORCHESTER AV, opened intermediate stations at SOUTH PARK AV (later KING DR), COTTAGE GROVE AV, UNIVERSITY AV

05/01/1893 Extended service from Dorchester to JACKSON PARK, opened intermediate station at STONY ISLAND AV (later JACKSON PARK)

10/10/1893 Cut back from Jackson Park to Stony Island Av with closing of fair

10/18/1897 Extended most service around Inner Loop, opened intermediate station at CONGRESS & WABASH

04/20/1898 Changed to electric operation

11/03/05 Began Englewood Line service Inner Loop or Congress St to STATE ST

12/10/05 Extended Englewood Line from State St to WENTWORTH AV

01/11/06 Extended Englewood Line from Wentworth Av to PRINCETON AV

11/03/06 Extended Englewood Line from Princeton Av to HARVARD AV

12/24/06 Extended Englewood Line from Harvard Av to HALSTED ST, opened intermediate station at PARNELL AV

02/25/07 Extended Englewood Line from Halsted St to RACINE AV

03/26/07 Began express service

05/25/07 Diverted part of each Englewood Line train via Normal Park Line to 69TH ST, opened intermediate stations at 65TH ST and 67TH ST (later MARQUETTE RD)

07/13/07 Extended Englewood Line from Racine Av to LOOMIS ST

09/20/07 Began Kenwood Line service from Inner Loop to 42ND PLACE. Opened intermediate stations at SOUTH PARK WAY, VINCENNES AV, COTTAGE GROVE AV/DREXEL BLVD, ELLIS AV/LAKE PARK AV, Trackage beteen Indiana and 42nd Place owned by Chicago Junction Ry (later Chicago Rver & Indiana Ry).

04/09/08 Began Stock Yards Line service from Indiana Av to Stock Yards Loop. Opened stations at WALLACE AV, HALSTED ST, EXCHANGE AV, CENTER AV (later MORRIS, then RACINE AV), SWIFT, ARMOUR, PACKERS. Trackage owned by Chicago Junction Ry.

11/03/13 Rerouted all service via Outer Loop, also began thru Jackson Park-Evanston Express and Englewood/Normal Park-Wilson Express all times, South Park-Wilson Local Mon-Sat. Retained Kenwood-Loop Express (Kenwood-Loop Local Sundays)

1920's Revised thru service. Discontinued South Park-Wilson Local service and Kenwood-Loop Express service, began Kenwood Local-Ravenswood Express service (Kenwood-Ravenswood Local Sundays)

1922 Cut back Jackson Park-Evanston service to Howard

02/24? Kenwood-Ravenswood Local made Kenwood Local-Ravenswood Express Sundays

02/23/31 Revised thru services. Replaced Kenwood Local-Ravenswood Express and Englewood/Normal Park-Wilson Express services with Kenwood-Wilson Local and Englewood/Normal Park-Ravenswood Express services in rush only, Kenwood-Loop Local and Englewood/Normal Park-Loop Express other times.

10/17/43 Opened State St Subway. Rerouted Jackson Park-Howard service via subway, expanded Englewood/Normal Park-Ravenswood service from rush only to all times and rerouted via subway, expanded Kenwood/Wilson service from rush only to all times, remaining routed via Loop


1-50 Jackson & Sharp 1892 (steam coach)
51-80 Gilbert 1892 (steam coach)
81-100 Jackson & Sharp 1892 (steam coach)
101-150 Gilbert 1892 (steam coach)
151-180 Jackson & Sharp 1892 (steam coach)

Note -- 120 cars rebuilt to electric motors 1897-98 by Wells & French, 30 additional cars rebuilt 1899 by SSERy, final 30 rebuilt to electric trailers 1900 by SSERy

181-210 Jewett 1900
211-230 Jewett 1902
231-250 Jewett 1903
251-320 Jewett 1905
321-400 AC&F 1905

Note -- all cars 1-400 to CRT same numbers




??/??/?? Opened intermediate stations at WILLOW ST and OAK ST


05/18/07 Began Ravenswood Line service WESTERN AV to Outer Loop, opened intermediate stations at ROBEY ST (later DAMEN AV), RAVENSWOOD, MONTROSE AV, IRVING PARK BLVD, ADDISON ST, PAULINA ST, SOUTHPORT AV

05/16/08 Began Evanston Line service CENTRAL ST to Outer Loop, using Milwaukee Road trackage north of Wilson, opened intermediate stations at NOYES ST, FOSTER ST, DAVIS ST, DEPSTER ST, MAIN ST, CALVARY, HOWARD ST, BIRCHWOOD (later JARVIS AV), ROGERS PARK (later MORSE AV), LOYOLA AV, NORTH EDGEWATER (later GRANVILLE AV), EDGEWATER (later BRYN MAWR AV), ARGYLE AV

04/02/12 Extended Evanston Line from Central St to LINDEN AV

11/03/13 Reversed direction of travel, from left-handed to right-handed. Began thru services to South Side, Evanston-Jackson Park Express and Wilson-Englewood/Normal Park Express all times, and Wilson/South Park Local Mon-Sat only. Ravenswood-Loop Express (local Sun) retained.

1921 Closed KINZIE ST station, opened GRAND AV station

1920's Revised thru services. Replaced Wilson/South Park Local with Wilson/Loop Local Mon-Sat, also replaced Ravenswood/Loop Express with Ravenswood Express-Kenwood Local (Ravenswood-Kenwood Local Sun)

1921 Cut back Evanston-Jackson Park service to Howard account line elevated and expanded to four tracks Wilson to Howard, Evanston Line separated and routed to Loop, made express south of Howard, opened intermediate stations at THORNDALE AV, BERWYN AV

02/24? Began Wilson-Loop Local Sun, made Ravenswood express Sundays.

03/28/25 Began Skokie service DEMPSTER to Howard, over track owned by Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee RR. Opened intermediate stations at MAIN ST, OAKTON ST, KOSTNER AV, CRAWFORD AV, DODGE AV, ASBURY ST, RIDGE AV

1927 Began coupling rush hour Skokie trains to Evanston trains at Howard for thru service to Loop

1929 Cut back Skokie service to shuttle Dempster to Howard only

12/01/30 Opened MERCHANDISE MART intermediate station

02/23/31 Revised thru services. Replaced Wilson-Englewood/Normal Park Express, Ravenswood Express/Kenwood Local, and Wilson/Loop Local services in rush with Wilson-Loop Express, Wilson-Kenwood Local, and Ravenswood-Englewood/Normal Park Express services, Ravenswood-Loop Express and Wilson-Loop Local, other times.

1931 Closed CALVARY station, opened SOUTH BLVD intermediate station

???? Opened LAWRENCE AV intermediate station

10/17/43 Opened State St Subway. Rerouted Howard-Jackson Park service via subway, expanded Ravenswood-Englewood/Normal Park service from rush only to all times and rerouted via subway, expanded Wilson-Kenwood service to all times, retained via Loop.


1-37 Pullman 1898 to CRT 1001-1037
38-47 AC&F 1900 to CRT 1038-1047
48-52 AC&F 1900 to CRT 1048-1052
53-59 St Louis 1901 to CRT 1053-1059
100-209 Pullman 1898 (trailer) to CRT 1100-1209
210-234 AC&F 1900 (trailer) to CRT 1210-1234
235-259 St Louis 1901 (trailer) to CRT 1235-1259
260-299 AC&F 1907 (trailer) to CRT 1260-1299
700-734 St Louis 1903 to CRT 1700-1734
735-768 Jewett 1906 to CRT 1735-1768
769-788 Pullman 1908 to CRT 1769-1788
1789-1808 converted from trailers 1280-1299 1913)



11/06/1893 Began service CALIFORNIA to MADISON/MARKET using steam locomotives.

04/29/1894 Extended from California to LARAMIE

10/01/1894 Rerouted to STATE/LAKE, began shuttle service Madison/Market to Canal St

06/14/1896 Began electric operation

06/20/1896 Resumed steam operation account wreck involving an electric car

09/20/1896 Began permanent electric operation

11/08/1896 Extended service State/Lake to ADAMS/WABASH

10/03/1897 Rerouted around Outer Loop, service to Madison/Market reduced to rush only, with non-rush shuttle to Canal. Changed to left-hand operation east of Franklin St.

04/15/1899 Extended from Laramie to AUSTIN via ground-level trackage

05/14/1899 Extended from Austin to WISCONSIN via street railway trackage on Randolph St

05/30/1899 Rerouted some service to HARLEM RACE TRACK via Harrison St street railway trackage on racing days only. Shuttle using a streetcar operated Harrison/Cuyler to Randolph/Lombard at other times.

10/25/1899 Suspended all service west of Austin account political dispute

11/1899 Resumed service west of Austin after dispute resolved

01/25/1901 Rerouted service to MARION via street-level trackage next to South Blvd, discontinued service via Randolph to Wisconsin

03/1901 Resumed service Wisconsin/Randolph to Lombard/South Blvd using a shuttle car

04/01/1901 Resumed thru service Loop to Randolph/Wisconsin Mon-Sat only

08/07/1902 Changed to left-hand operation Austin to Franklin account congestion at Franklin

08/11/1902 Began express service

1903 Discontinued Madison/Market shuttle except in AM rush, began some thru service in PM rush from Madison/Market

12/21/1903 Discontinued service to Randolph/Wisconsin, extended Cuyler Shuttle car from Randolph/Lombard to Lombard/South Blvd, changed to left-hand operation Austin to Marion.

06/04 Discontinued service to Harlem Race Track account closing of track

07/03/04 Discontinued Cuyler Shuttle service

05/24/09 Discontinued Madison/Market Shuttle service in AM rush, retaining PM rush thru service

07/23/09 Resumed Cuyler Shuttle service, using a streetcar

1909 Discontinued Cuyler Shuttle service

05/14/10 Extended from Marion to FOREST PARK

01/10/11 Resumed Cuyler Shuttle service, using elevated cars

07/04/12 Discontinued Cuyler Shuttle service

11/01/13 Changed to right-hand operation, rerouted around Inner Loop


1-100 1893 Gilbert (steam trailer)
101-125 1894 Pullman (steam trailer)

Note -- 101-125 rebuilt to electric motor 1895-96, 15 of 1-100 rebuilt to electric motor 1896, r# 109,125 (2nd), 126-138. 101,102, 119 replaced by new cars from St Louis 1905, remains of originals used to build trailers 236-238. All others to CRT 3001-3138

139-146 1901 St Louis to CRT 3139-3146
147-166 1909 Brill to CRT 3147-3166
201-215 1900 Pullman (trailer) to CRT 3201-3215
216-235 1901 St Louis (trailer) to CRT 3216-3235
236-238 1908 LSERR (trailer) to CRT 3236-3238

Roster - Chicago Rapid Transit Co

1-400 (ex South Side)
1001-1808 (ex Northwestern)
1809-1815 (ex 1270-1275, motorized 1950)
2100-2927 (ex Metropolitan)
3001-3238 (ex Lake Street)

4001-4066 1914 Cincinnati (trailer)
4067-4128 1914 Cincinnati
4129-4250 1915 Cincinnati
4251-4350 1922 Cincinnati
4351-4355 1923 Cincinnati
4356-4455 1924 Cincinnati
4456 (ex 4005, motorized 1955)



02/25/08 Began service HOBOKEN to 19TH ST

06/15/08 Extended service from 19th ST to 23RD ST

07/19/09 Began service from EXCHANGE PLACE to HUDSON TERMINAL

08/02/09 Extended Hudson Terminal service from Exchange Place to Hoboken

09/20/10 Began 23rd St to Hudson Terminal service

09/26/10 Discontinued 23rd St to Hudson Terminal service, began 23rd St to GROVE ST and Hudson Terminal to GROVE ST services

11/10/10 Extended service from 23rd St to 33RD ST

10/01/11 Extended service from Grove St to MANHATTAN TRANSFER

11/26/11 Extended service from Manhattan Transfer to PARK PLACE

06/27/37 Replaced Park Place with PENN STATION, closed Manhattan Transfer, cut back 33rd St service from Park Place to Journal Square


200-209 Pressed Steel 1908
210-249 AC&F 1908
250-339 Pressed Steel 1909
340-389 AC&F 1910
401-425 AC&F 1921
426-450 AC&F 1922
451-475 AC&F 1923
501-520 AC&F 1928
701-736 Pressed Steel 1911
801-804 AC&F 1927



Brooklyn Elevated Silent Safety Ry Co (05-26-1874)

Brooklyn Elevated Ry Co (05-22-1875)

Brooklyn Elevated RR Co (05-22-1884)

Union Elevated RR Co of Brooklyn (subsidiary) (05-01-86, leased to BERRCo 05-13-87, merged 11-17-90)

Sea-Side & Brooklyn Bridge Elevated RR Co (subsidiary) (03-01-90, leased to BERRCo 04-28-91)

Brooklyn Union Elevated RR Co (01-30-99) (merger of BERR Co and SS&BBERRCo), leased to Brooklyn Heights RR Co 04-01-99 to 02-28-1907

merged into New York Consolidated RR Co (11-30-12) (BRT subsidiary)

SEA BEACH LINE (surface)

New York & Sea Beach RR Co (09-25-1876)

reorganized as New York & Sea Beach Ry Co (05-12-1883)

reorganized as Sea Beach Ry (08-29-1896)

control by BRT, leased to Brooklyn Heights RR Co 11-05-1897 to 02-28-1907

merged into New York Consolidated RR (BRT subsidiary) 11-30-1912


Brooklyn & Rockaway Beach RR Co (later Canarsie RR Co)

stock control by Brooklyn Union Elevated RR Co 07-01-1906

merged into New York Consolidated RR Co 11-30-1912 (BRT subsidiary)


(BRT subsidiary)

Formed 11-30-1912 by merger of Brooklyn Union Elevated RR Co, Canarsie RR Co, Sea Beach Ry Co

Reorganized as New York Rapid Transit Corp (06-07-1923) (BMT subsidiary)

Expropriated by Board of Transportation of the City of New York (06-01-1940) (New York City Transit System)

CULVER LINE (surface)

Park Avenue RR Co (02-12-1870)

Greenwood & Coney Island RR Co (08-16-1872)

PARRCo and G&CIRRCo consolidated as Prospect Park & Coney Island RR Co

Prospect Park & South Brooklyn RR Co (subsidiary) (06-15-1888) (leased to PP&CIRRCo 01-01-1890)

PP&CIRRCo leased to LIRR 07-20-1891 to 06-17-1899, then to Brooklyn Heights RR Co 07-01-1899 to 02-28-1907, then to South Brooklyn Ry Co 03-01-1907 to 03-15-1919

Acquired by New York Consolidated RR 03-16-19

WEST END LINE (surface)

Brooklyn, Bath & Coney Island R.R. Co (02-19-1862)

reorganized as Brooklyn, Bath & Coney Island RR Co (01-22-79)

reorganized as Brooklyn, Bath & West End RR Co (11-25-85) (leased to Atlantic Av RR Co 04-26-93)

Atlantic Av RR Co leased to Nassau Electric RR Co (04-01-96)

BB&WERRCo merged into AARRCo 09-21-98, AARRCo merged into NERRCo 01-26-99

control by BRT 02-15-99, leased to Brooklyn Heights RR Co 04-01-99 to 06-30-1904

acquired by New York Rapid Transit Corp (06-07-23)


Kings County Elevated Ry Co (04-24-1888)

reorganized as Kings County Elevated RR Co (07-31-1899)

acquired by Brooklyn Union Elevated RR Co (5-24-1900) (BRT subsidiary)


Brooklyn, Flatbush & Coney Island RR Co (06/25/1869) (never operated)

Flatbush & Coney Island, Park & Concourse RR Co (09/26/1876)

Coney Island & East River RR Co (09/29/1876)

F&CIP&CRRCo, CI&ERRRCo consolidated as Brooklyn, Flatbush & Coney Island RR Co (II) 09/13/1877

reorganized as Brooklyn & Brighton Beach RR Co (09/02/1887), leased to Kings County Elevated RR Co 08/15/1896, then to Sea View RR Co 05/30/1899, merged into SVRRCo 01/20/1900

Sea View RR Co merged into KKERRCo 05/09/1900


07/02/1878 Began steam road service Prospect Park to Brighton Beach

08/20/78 Extended to Atlantic Av in downtown Brooklyn via LIRR

12/14/83 Discontinued thru service via LIRR

08/15/96 Began thru service to Brooklyn Bridge via Fulton L

07/18/1899 Began electric service BROOKLYN BRIDGE to MANHATTAN BEACH via Fulton L, Brighton Line, and LIRR south of Sheepshead Bay. Route shared with Flatbush Av trolley cars Prospect Park to Sheepshead Bay

01/21/1901 Rerouted some service to BRIGHTON BEACH via trolley route

1903 Discontinued trolley service

05/22/04 Rerouted Brighton Beach trains to CULVER TERMINAL

08/26/05 Eliminated grade crossings north of Church Av

06/07 Began using new embankment Church Av to Sheepshead Bay, opened new stations at BEVERLEY RD, CORTELYOU RD, NEWKIRK AV, AVENUE H, AVENUE J, ELM AVE (later AVENUE M), KINGS HWY, AVENUE U, NECK RD, SHEEPSHEAD BAY

10/16/16 Cut back service from Culver Terminal and Manhattan Beach to Sheepshead Bay

04/22/17 Began shuttle service on SB track of new L structure Sheepshead Bay to OCEAN PKWY, opened intermediate station at BRIGHTON BEACH

05/19/17 Began using two tracks Sheepshead Bay to Ocean Pkwy

05/22/17 Closed Woodruff Av station

05/30/17 Extended shuttle from Ocean Parkway to WEST 8TH ST using one track

09/25/18 Opened new stations at PROSPECT PARK and PARKSIDE AV, SB only

10/21/18 Extended thru trains from Sheepshead Bay to Brighton Beach, retain shuttle Brighton Beach to W 8th St

05/30/19 Extended service from West 8th St to STILLWELL AV-CONEY ISLAND

09/03/19 Opened new CHURCH AV station

09/25/19 Completed reconstruction in cut Prospect Park to Church Av, opened new PARKSIDE AV station NB

08/01/20 Rerouted service to Manhattan, local from Coney Island via Bridge to Times Square Mon-Sat daytime, evenings, Sundays via Tunnel to Queensboro Plaza. Mon-Sat daytime express from Brighton Beach via tunnel to Queensboro Plaza, Mon-Sat rush to 57th St. Separated old route as Franklin Shuttle: Franklin Av to Prospect Park in winter, Coney Island in summer

10/01/23 Rerouted express trains via Bridge to Times Square, Mon-Sat daytime local trains via Tunnel to Queensboro Plaza (57th St Mon-Sat rush).

09/29/27 Extended Mon-Sat rush local service from 57th St to Queensboro Plaza

4TH AVE (#2)

01/15/16 Began service Chambers St to 86TH ST via Bridge

01/05/18 Began shuttle service TIMES SQUARE to RECTOR ST

09/20/18 Extended shuttles from Rector St to Whitehall St

08/01/20 Extended service from Times Square to QUEENSBORO PLAZA, and from Whitehall St to DeKalb Av, thru routed service Queensboro Plaza to 86th St

10/31/25 Extended service from 86th St to 95TH ST


04/1864 Began steam road service 36th St/5th Av to Bath Beach

1867 Extended service to Coney Island

07/92 Rerouted to 39th St Ferry

12/18/1900 Began electric service Park Row to Bath Beach via 5th Av L and West End Line

06/23/16 Began using new El structure and 4th Av Subway, CHAMBERS ST to 18TH AV

07/19/26 Extended from 18th Av to 25TH AV

07/21/17 Extended from 25th Av to temporary CONEY ISLAND terminal

09/04/17 Rerouted via Bridge to 14TH ST

01/05/18 Extended from 14th St to TIMES SQUARE

12/23/18 Rerouted into STILLWELL AV-CONEY ISLAND


07/17/1877 Began steam train service Bath Junction to Sea Beach

09/01/77 Discontinued service

07/17/79 Resumed service 65th St Dock to Coney Island, summers only

1884 Began year-round service

05/20/1898 Began electric trolley service

1903 Began service Park Row to Coney Island via 5th Av L-West End Line-Sea Beach Line, sharing tracks with trolleys on Sea Beach Line

1907 Discontinued trolleys, rerouted into West End Terminal via temporary right-of-way beyond 86th St

1908 Rerouted via permanent right-of way 86h St to West End Terminal

10/28/13 Replaced El trains with trolleys Bath Jct to Coney Island

12/01/13 Suspended trolley service for route reconstruction

06/23/14 Resumed trolley shuttle service

03/16/15 Replaced trollys with subway cars on shuttle

06/22/15 Began service Chambers St to Coney Island via Bridge and 4th Av Subway

01/15/16 Made express on 4th Av

09/04/17 Rerouted to 14th St via Bridge

01/05/18 Extended from 14th St to Times Square

10/18/20 Rerouted into STILLWELL AV-CONEY ISLAND terminal


06/19/1875 Began steam train service on McDonald Av Prospect Park West to Gravesend Neck Road

06/27/75 Extended service to Coney Island

1885 Rerouted most service via LIRR to 65th St Ferry

06/07/90 Rerouted to 36th St/5th Av

08/05/95 Routed some service to Brooklyn Bridge via 5th Av El

07/10/99 Began electric service Park Row to Coney Island via 5th Av El

10/02/99 Made shuttle 39th St Ferry to Coney Island

01/21/1901 Resumed service to Park Row via 5th Av Elevated

03/16/19 Began using new elevated structure 9th Av to KINGS HIGHWAY using elevated cars, trolley shuttle Kings Highway to Coney Island

05/10/19 Extended service via new elevated structure Kings Highway to AVENUE X, cut back trolley shuttle to Avenue X

05/01/20 Extended service via new elevated structure Avenue X to STILLWELL AV-CONEY ISLAND, eliminated trolley shuttle

05/30/31 Began using subway cars, rerouted via 4th Av Subway and Nassau St, express from bridge-tunnel loop to Kings Hwy in rush, operating non-stop 9th Av to Kings hwy in non-rush direction, local Chambers St via tunnel to Coney Island other times. Elevated trains from Sands St cut back to 9th Av except in rush hours

06/01/40 Elevated service cut to shuttle 9th Av to Coney Island only, rush only


11/05/1888 Began service Mon-Sat day & evening FULTON FERRY to ATLANTIC AVE using steam

11/06/88 Suspended service

06/21/89 Resumed service, rerouted to Sands St, also extended from Atlantic Av to 3RD ST

07/22/89 Extended from 3rd St to 9TH ST

08/15/89 Extended from 9th St to 25TH ST

12/09/89 Extended from 25th St to 36TH ST

10/01/93 Extended from 36th St to 65TH ST

06/98 Began thru service over Brooklyn Bridge

07/01/99 Began using electric cars Sands St to 36th St

07/16/99 Discontinued service over Brookly Bridge

01/1901 Resumed some service over Brooklyn Bridge

06/1901 Suspended service over Brooklyn Bridge

10/1901 Resumed some service over Brooklyn Bridge

08/99 Began electric service to 65th St.

By 1937 Cut back to shuttle 36th St to 65th St except rush

05/31/40 Discontinued service


08/01/20 Began service Franklin Av to Prospect Park as shuttle, replacing part of Fulton/Brighton route. Extended from Prospect Park to Coney Island Sat-Sun during summer

10/05/28 Relocated BOTANICAL GARDENS


04/08/23 Began shuttle service DITMARS BLVD to QUEENSORO PLAZA, using elevated cars on existing IRT line


04/08/23 Began shuttle service QUEENSBORO PLAZA to 103RD ST, using elevated cars on existing IRT line

01/21/28 Extended service from 103rd St to MAIN ST-FLUSHING


04/27/1889 Began service FULTON FERRY to BROADWAY, using steam

07/20/1889 Extended from Broadway to WYCKOFF AV

12/1889 Rerouted via Myrtle Av and Hudson St instead of via Myrtle Av, Grand Av, Park St, Hudson St

06/14/96 Rerouted some service to Sands St

07/01/98? Fulton Ferry service reduced to shuttle to Navy St

1902? Began some service over Brooklyn Bridge

01/10/04 Replaced last steam locomotives with electric cars

09/04 Discontinued service to Fulton Ferry

10/01/06 Extended from Wyckoff Av via existing trolley surface tracks to METROPOLITAN AV

1908? Extended some service from Sands St across Brooklyn Bridge to PARK ROW

02/22/15 Placed elevated structure in service between Wyckoff Av and Fresh Pond Rd

1919 Completed rebuilding of structure Broadway to Wyckoff Av

10/22/32 Cut back from Park Row to Sands St

03/05/44 Cut back from Sands St to Bridge/Jay Sts


07/29/14 Began Mon-Sat service Metropolitan Av to Chambers St via Broadway El

02/22/15 Replaced surface tracks with elevated between Wyckoff Av and Fresh Pond Rd

1919 Completed rebuilding of structure Broadway to Wyckoff Av


05/14/1885 Began service WASHINGTON & YORK STS to GATES AV, operated with steam

09/05/1885 Extended from Gates Av to ALABAMA AV

11/10/1885 Extended from Washigton & York Sts to FULTON FERRY

12/04/1885 Extended from Alabama Av to VAN SICLEN AV

04/10/1888 Rerouted some service to ADAMS ST via Myrtle Av instead of to Fulton Ferry via Park Av

09/01/1888 Extended from Adams St to SANDS ST (High St Loop)

04/27/1889 Discontinued service to Fulton Ferry branch

05/29/1893 Extended from Van Siclen St to CYPRESS HILLS

09/95 Opened new Sands St station

08/01/1898 Began thru service over Brooklyn Bridge

07/16/99 Discontinued service over Brooklyn Bridge

09/01/1901 Began operating first electrc cars

1902? Resumed service over Brookly Bridge

1905 Replaced last steam locomotives with electric cars

01/17/16 Completed rebuilding of structure Gates Av to Myrtle Av

12/21/16 Completed rebuilding of structure Myrtle Av to Eastern Pkwy

05/28/17 Extended from Cypress Hills to 111TH ST

07/03/18 Extended from 111th St to 168TH ST

08/05/19 Completed rebuilding of structure at Eastern Pkwy

04/01/23 Cut back from 168th St to Eastern Pkwy except in Mon-Sat rush hours

10/22/32 Cut back from Park Row to Sands St execpt in rush hours

03/10/33 Closed spur to Sands St (High St Loop)

1937? Cut back rush hour service from 168th St to 111th St

06/01/40 Rerouted Mon-Sat service to Grant Av (midday) or Lefferts Blvd (rush), retained some rush to 111th St

03/05/44 Cut back from Park Row to Bridge/Jay Sts


04/24/1888 Began service FULTON FERRY to NOSTRAND AV, using steam locomotives

05/30/1888 Extended from Nostrand Av to ALBANY AV/SUMNER AV

08/20/1888 Extended from Albany Av/Sumner Av to UTICA AV

12/05/1888 Extended from Utica Av to ROCKAWAY AV

05/30/1889 Extended from Rockaway Av to MANHATTAN JUNCTION

07/04/1889 Extended from Manhattan Junction to ATLANTIC AV

11/18/1889 Extended from Atlantic Av to VAN SICLEN AV

02/22/1892 Extended from Van Siclen Av to LINWOOD ST

03/21/1892 Extended from Linwood St to MONTAUK AV

07/16/1894 Extended from Montauk Av to GRANT AV

11/94 Opened branh to BROOKLYN BRIDGE, closed old Sands St station

06/98 Beagn thru service over Brooklyn Bridge

07/17/99 Discotinued service over Brooklyn Bridge

01/00 Began using electric cars

05/04/1903 Replaced last steam locomotives with electric cars

1903 Extended from Sands St across Brooklyn Bridge to PARK ROW

09/25/15 Extended from Grant Av to LEFFERTS BLVD

12/27/15 Began using express track between Nostrad Av and Rockaway Av

11/20/19 Completed reconstruction between Rockaway Av and Pennsylvania Av (Broadway Junction)

1931? Closed spur to Brooklyn Bridge station

09/23/36 Rerouted some rush service to 8TH AV via 14th St Subway

05/31/40 Cut back to Rockaway Av to Lefferts Blvd only


06/25/1888 Began service DRIGGS AV to Gates Av

07/14/1888 Extended from Driggs Av to BROADWAY FERRY and from Gates Av to Van Siclen Av

05/29/1893 Extended from Van Siclen Av to Cypress Hills

07/17/1898 Began thru service with Long Island RR Broadway Ferry to Rockaway Beach

05/04/1903 Began using electric trains

05/30/1903 Extended some service via surface trolley tracks to Jamaica

12/08/1903 Discontnued service to Jamaica

06/23/06 Replaced last steam locomotives on service to Rockaway Beach

07/30/06 Began service Broadway Ferry to Canarsie Landing via existing surface tracks

09/16/08 Opened branch across Williamsburg Bridge to DELANCEY ST

08/04/13 Extended from Delancey St to CHAMBERS ST

01/17/16 Completed rebuilding structure between Marcy Av and Myrtle Av

07/02/16 Closed branch to Broadway Ferry

12/21/16 Completed rebuilding structure between Myrtle Av and Eastern Pkwy

05/28/17 Extended from Cypress Hills to 111TH ST, Mon-Sat rush only

09/03/17 Discontinued service to Rockaway Beach

10/26/17 Cut back service from Canarsie Shore to Rockaway Pkwy, began shuttle service Rockaway Pkwy to Canarsie Shore

07/03/18 Extended from 111th St to 168TH ST, Mon-Sat rush only

10/16/18 Began using new elevated structure at Atlantic Av EB

08/05/19 Completed rebuilding of structure at Eastern Pkwy

11/09/19 Began using new elevated structure at Atlantic Av WB

10/18/20 Replaced elevated cars with streetcars on Canarsie Shuttle

04/01/23 Discontinued service Broadway Jct to 168th St, cut back service from Chambers St to Canal St

07/14/28 Reduced service to Rockaway Parkway to Mon-Sat rush only


04/01/23 Began service Chambers St to 168th St all times

05/30/31 Extended from Chambers St to BROAD ST


06/30/24 Began service 6TH AVE to MONTROSE AV

07/14/28 Extended from Montrose Av to ROCKAWAY PARKWAY, began express service Mon-Sat AM rush WB, Mon-Fri PM rush EB

05/30/31 Extended from 6th Ave to 8TH AVE

09/23/36 Began 14th/Fulton St service Mon-Sat AM rush WB, Mon-Fri PM rush PM EB 8th Ave to Lefferts Blvd



09/10/1932 Began service 207TH ST to CHAMBERS ST (Mon-Sat day & evenings), express 207th St to Canal St

02/01/33 Extended from Chambers St to JAY ST-BORO HALL

03/20/33 Extended from Jay St-Boro Hall to BERGEN ST (upper level)

07/01/33 Added Sunday and night service, made local north of 145th St

10/07/33 Exended from Bergen St to CHURCH ST

04/08/36 Rerouted to ROCKAWAY AV

12/15/40 Made express 168th St to 145th St


09/10/32 Began service 168th St to Chambers St all times, extended to 207th St nights

02/01/33 Extended to Jay St-Boro Hall nights

03/20/33 Extended to Bergen Av (upper level) nights

07/01/33 Discontinued

12/15/40 Resumed service all times 168th St to Chambers St except Mon-Fri rush, Sat AM rush and forenoon


12/15/40 Began service Mon-Fri rush, Sat AM rush and forenoon 168th St to 34TH ST/6TH AV


07/01/33 Began service Mon-Fri rush and forenoon, Sat AM rush and forenoon 205TH ST to Bergen St (lower level), express Tremont Av to 145th St in rush direction, also 145th St to Canal St

04/09/36 Rerouted to Hoyt/Schermerhorn Sts

by 01/10/44 Discontinued Sat forenoon service


07/01/33 Began service all times 205th St to Chambers St except Mon-Fri rush, Sat AM rush and forenoon Bedford Park Blvd to Chambers St, Mon-Sat forenoon Tremont Av to Chambers St

08/19/33 Extended Mon-Sat forenoon service to Bedford Park Blvd

12/15/40 Revised service to Mon-Fri rush, Sat AM rush and forenoon only, cut back from 205th St to Bedford Park Blvd


12/15/40 Began service all times 205TH ST to Chambers St via 6th Av, express 145th St to Columbus Circle all times, Tremont Av to 145th St Mon-Fri AM rush, Sat AM rush and forenoon SB, Mon-Fri PM rush NB


08/19/33 Began service ROOSEVELT AV to Chambers St all times

01/01/36 Rerouted to EAST BROADWAY

04/08/36 Extended from East Broadway to Church Av (replacing A)

12/31/36 Extended from Roosevelt Av to CONTINENTAL AV

04/24/37 Extended from Cotinental Av to 169TH ST, reduced service to Mon-Sat rush only, made express Continental Av to Queens Plaza

07/01/37 Expanded to all times, express Continental Av to Queens Plaza

12/15/40 Cut back from Church Av to Broadway/Lafayette


04/24/37 Began service all times except Mon-Sat rush 169th St to Church Av

07/01/37 Discontinued service


12/15/40 Begin service Parsons Blvd to Church Av via 6th Av all times, express Parsons Blvd to Queens Plaza

by 01/10/44 Extended Parsons Blvd to 169th St evenings and nights


08/19/33 Begin service Queens Plaza to NASSAU ST all times

04/24/37 Extended from Queens Plaza to Continental Av Mon-Sat rush

07/01/37 Extend from Nassau Av to Smith/9th Sts, also to Continental Av all times


04/09/36 Begin service Mon-Sat daytime Court St to Hoyt/Schermerhorn Sts

2nd Avenue

Manhattan Elevated Ry Co (02/24/1879)
to Manhattan Ry Co (09/01/1879)

3rd Avenue

New York Elevated Ry Co (08/26/78)
to Manhattan Ry Co (09/01/1879)

3rd Avenue-Bronx

Suburban Rapid Transit Co (05/17/1886)
to Manhattan Ry Co (06/04/1891)

6th Avenue

Gilbert Elevated Ry Co (06/05/1878)
to Metropolitan Evevated Ry Co (06/06/1878)
to Manhattan Ry Co (09/01/1879)

9th Avenue

West Side & Yonkers Patented Ry Co (02/14/1870)
to West Side Patented Elevated Ry Co (04/20/1871)
to New York Elevated Ry Co (12/05/1871)
to Manhattan Ry Co (09/01/1879)

Manhattan Ry Co (09/01/1879)
Interborough Rapid Transit Co (04/01/1903)
Board of Transportation of the City of NewYork (06/12/1940)


03/01/1888 Began service 65TH ST to South Ferry, using existing Third Avenue Elevated south of Chatham Square. Opened intermediate stations at CANAL ST, GRAND ST, RIVINGTON ST, 1ST ST, 8TH ST, 14TH ST, 19TH ST, 23RD ST,34TH ST, 42ND ST, 50TH ST, 57TH ST

08/16/80 Extended service from 65th St to 127TH ST,opened intermeiate stations at 86TH ST, 105TH ST, 111TH ST, 116TH-117TH STS, 120TH-121ST STS

02/09/81 Discontinued service south of Chatham Square

1882 Opened intermediate stations at 70TH-71ST STS, 75TH ST, 80TH-81ST STS (later 80TH ST), 92ND-93RD STS

10/12/84 Began Sunday service

04/12/85 Resumed service to South Ferry

05/17/86 Extended service from 127th St to 129TH ST, opened intermediate station at 125TH ST, closed station at 127th St

10/14/91 Closed 116th-177th Sts station

1891 Closed 75th St, 105th St, 120th-121st Sts stations

08/92 Closed 70th-71st Sts station

1892-93 Opened intermediate stations at 99TH ST, 117TH ST, 121ST ST

01/07/98 Opened second new 129th St station

12/30/1901 Began using electric cars (all electric 09/02/02)

1906 Replaced 80TH ST intermediate station, opened intermediate station at 72ND ST

1911 Opened intermediate station at 105TH ST

01/17/16 Began express service via middle track Bronx Park to South Ferry Mon-Sat rush, rebuilt stations at 14th St, 57th St, 86th St with upper level express platforms

1917 Replaced 92ND ST intermediate station

07/23/17 Rerouted some service to QUEENSBORO PLAZA

01/17/18 Extended service from Queensboro Plaza to ASTORIA and 104TH ST

1934 service

Local -

- 129th to City Hall or South Ferry - Mon-Sat evening, Sunday day & eveing

- 129th to South Ferry - Mon-Sat daytime

Express -

- Bronx Park to City Hall - Mon-Sat AM rush SB

- City Hall to Fordham Rd or Tremont Av - Mon-Fri PM rush NB

- Freeman St to City Hall - Mon-Sat AM rush SB, Mon-Fri PM rush, Sat noon rush NB

Queens -

- Astoria or Willets Point to South Ferry - Mon-Sat AM rush, Mon-Fri PM rush

- Astoria or Willets Poinrt to City Hall - Mon-Sat midday, Sat PM rush

- Astoria or Willets Point to 57th St - Mon-Sat evening, Sunday day & eveing

06/11/40 Discontinued service north of 60th St

05/19/41 Discontinued evenings and Sundays

06/13/42 Discontinued all service


08/26/1878 Began service SOUTH FERRY to GRAND CENTRAL

09/16/78 Extended service from 42nd St to 67TH ST. Grand Central service becomes a branch

12/09/78 Extended service from 67th St to 89TH ST

12/30/78 Extended service from 89th St to 129TH ST

1879 Grand Central branch made shuttle

03/17/89 Opened branch from Chartham Square to CITY HALL

03/27/89 Closed City Hall branch

03/01/80 Reopened City Hall branch, rerouted all service to City Hall except nights

07/01/80 Opened shuttle branch from 3rd Av to 34TH ST FERRY

02/09/81 Rerouted all service to South Ferry, began shuttle Chatham square to City Hall

01/11/85 Extended City Hall shuttles to Canal St

05/17/86 Began shuttle service 128th St/2nd Av to 133RD ST

05/23/86 Extended from 133rd St to 143RD ST

11/25/86 Began Bronx service from 129th St to WILLIS AV

06/16/87 Extended Bronx service from 143rd St to 149TH ST

07/01/87 Extended Bronx service from 149th St to 156TH ST

08/07/87 Extended Bronx service from 156th St to 161ST ST

12/18/87 Closed Willis Av branch

12/25/87 Extended Bronx service from 161st St to 166TH ST

09/02/88 Extended Bronx service from 166th St to 169TH ST

09/29/88 Extended Bronx service from 169th St to 170TH ST

08/15/89 Opened new 129TH ST station (joint with 2nd Av)

07/19/91 Reopened Willis Av branch

07/20/91 Extended Bronx service from 170th St to 177TH ST

08/01/91 Began running NYNH&H trains to 129th St via Willis Av branch

09/25/96 Began thru service to 177th St rush only

01/07/98 Opened secod new 129TH ST station

08/15/98 Began thru service to 177th St all times

07/01/1901 Extended from 177th St to FORDHAM RD

03/24/1902 Began using electric cars (last steam ran 08/16/02)

05/21/1902 Extended from Fordham Rd to BRONX PARK

05/11/05 Discontinued operating NYNH&H trains to 129th St

11/01/05 Willis Av made shuttle

01/17/16 Began express service in Manhattan

07/09/17 Began express service in The Bronx

10/04/20 Extended from Fordham Road to GUN HILL ROAD on West Farms Line, Fordham Rd to Bronx Park becomes branch.

12/06/23 Closed Grand Central branch

04/15/24 Closed Willis Av branch

07/14/30 Closed 34th St Ferry branch

1934 service

Local -

- Bronx Park to City Hall or South Ferry - nights, Sunday

- Canal St to South Ferry Shuttle - nights

- 129th to South Ferry - Mon-Sat day & evening

- E 241st to Fordham Rd Shuttle - all times except Mon-Sat AM rush SB, Mon-Fri PM rush NB

- Bronx Park to City Hall - Mon-Sat AM rush, afternoon thru evening SB, Mon-Fri forennon and PM rush NB

Local-Express -

- Bronx Park to City Hall - Mon-Sat AM rush, forenoon SB, afternoon thru evening NB

Thru-Express -

- E 241st to City Hall - Mon-Sat AM rush SB, Mon-Fri PM rush NB


06/05/1878 Began service RECTOR ST to 58TH ST, opned intemediate saton at CORTLANDT ST, PARK PL, CHAMBERS ST, FRANKLIN ST, GRAND ST, BLEECKER ST, 8TH ST, 14TH ST, 23RD ST, 33RD ST, 42ND ST, 50TH ST

01/09/79 Began shuttle branch 50th St to 53RD ST/8th Av

02/25/79 Began thru service to 53rd St/8th Av, discontinued owl service to 58th St/6th Av

06/09/79 Extended from 53rd St to 81ST ST, joint with 9th Av El

06/21/79 Extended joint service from 81st St to 104TH ST

09/17/79 Extended joint service from 104th St to 125TH ST

09/27/79 Extended joint service from 125th St to 135TH ST

12/01/79 Extended joint service from 135th St to 155TH ST

11/01/81 Extended from Rector St to South Ferry over 9th Av El

01/83 Discontinued owl service

01/30/83 resumed owl service 155th St to South Ferry

06/02/92 Opened intermediate stations at 18TH ST and 28TH ST

?? Cut back service to 58th St to shuttle from 50th St Mon-Sat midday and evenings

01/31/14 Opened intermediate station at 38TH ST

01/17/16 Began express service 155th St to Rector St Mon-Sat rush, AM SB, PM NB

07/01/18 Extended Mon-Sat midday and evening locals from 155th St to Kingsbridge Rd via Jerome El

12/21/21 Cut back Mon-Sat midday and evening locals from Kingsbridge Rd to 167th St

04/23/23 Cut back Mon-Sat midday locals from 167th St to 155th St, extended Mon-Fri rush expresses from 155th St to 167th St

04/24/24 Extended Mon-Sat evening locals from 155th St to 167th St

06/16/24 Closed branch to 58th St

05/16/27 Extended some PM rush service from 167th St to Woodlawn via Jerome El

01/6/30 Extended Mon-Sat evening locals, Mon-Fri rush expresses from 167th St to Burnside Av

Service 1934


Burnside Av to South Ferry Mon-Sat evening

167th St to South Ferry Mon-Sat daytime, Sunday, owl


Burnside Av to Rector St Mon-Sat rush, AM SB, PM NB

Rector St to Woodlawn Mon-Fri PM rush NB

12/04/38 Discontinued all service


02/14/1870 Began cable-powered service DEY ST to 29TH ST

11/15/70 Closed for rebuilding

04/20/71 Resumed service with steam power

05/06/72 Opened intermediate station at WATTS ST

06/17/72 Opened intermediate station at LITTLE WEST 12TH ST

08/15/72 Extended from Dey St to MORRIS ST

01/21/73 Opened intermediate station at FRANKLIN ST

07/30/73 Extended from 29th St to 34TH ST

10/21/73 Opened intermediate station at 21ST ST

11/03/73 Opened intermediate station at HOUSTON ST

12/10/73 Replaced 29th St station with a new station at 30TH ST, cut back service from Morris St to Dey St

01/04/74 Extended service from Dey St to #7 BROADWAY

05/25/74 Replaced Dey St station with a new station at CORTLANDT ST

03/75 Suspended service for structure rebuilding

11/06/75 Resumed service #7 Broadway to 34th St, opened intermediate stations at WEST 11TH ST and 14TH ST, and extended from 34th St to 42ND ST

01/18/76 Extended from 42nd St to 59TH ST

04/15/76 Extended from #7 Broadway to SOUTH FERRY

04/05/77 Replaced #7 Broadway station with MORRIS ST

1877 closed 30th St station

06/02/78 Completed second track on west curb of Greenwich St and east curb of 9th Avenue

1879 closed Morris St station

06/09/79 Extended some service from 59th St to 81ST ST, opened intermediate stations at 66TH ST and 72ND ST

06/21/79 Extended some service from 81st St to 104TH ST, opened intermediate stations at 86TH ST and 93RD ST

09/17/79 Extended some service from 104th St to 125TH ST, opened intermediate station at 116TH ST

09/27/79 Extended some service from 125th St to 135TH ST

12/01/79 Extended some service from 135th St to 155TH ST, opened intermediate station at 145TH ST

05/02/80 Opened replacement structure South Ferry to 59th St, opened new intermediate stations at BATTERY PLACE, RECTOR ST, BARCLAY ST, WARREN ST, DESBROSSES ST, CHRISTOPHER ST, 23RD ST, 30TH ST, 50TH ST. Closed stations at Watts St, W 11th St, Little W 12th St, 21st St, replaced stations with new construction at SOUTH FERRY, CORTLANDT ST, FRANKLIN ST, HOUSTON ST, 14TH ST, 34TH ST, 42ND ST, 59TH ST

12/1/90 Extended all rush service to 135th St

01/29/92 Began express service 155th St to Rector St rush hours in rush direction

06/01/93 Opened intermediate station at 130TH ST, southbound only

05/23/98 Opened intermediate station at 140TH ST

04/01/99 Began 24-hour service 135th St to South Ferry

02/18/1903 Began electric service

06/03/1903 Opened intermediate station at 110th ST

02/12/07 Opened northbound platform at 130th St

08/12/12 Opened intermediate station at 86TH ST

11/01/14 Opened intermediate station at 99TH ST

1915 Modified stations at Cortlandt St, Warren St, Desbrosses St, Christopher St, 14th St, 34th St, 66th St, 116th St, 125th St, 145th St to include separate express platforms, rebuilt 155th St station to eliminate grade crossings

01/17/16 Extended all locals from 135th St to 155th St

11/15/17 Opened intermediate station at 151ST ST

01/06/18 Began shuttle from 155th St to SEDGWICK AV

03/01/18 Began thru local serice to Sedgwick Av

07/01/18 Extended Mon-Sat rush expresses, Sunday, evening, owl locals from Sedgwick Av to 167th St and via Jerome Line to Kingsbridge Rd

01/02/19 Extended some Mon-Sat rush expresses from Kingsbridge Rd to Woodlawn, SB in AM and NB in PM

12/21/21 Cut back service from Woodlawn to 167th St

04/16/23 Began Mon-Sat midday express service Fordham Rd to Rector St, SB in AM, NB in PM, local reverse

04/24/24 Extended Mon-Sat rush expresses from 167th St to Fordham Rd, local reverse

01/06/30 Extended Sunday and owl service from 167th St to Burnside Av

04/16/33 Cut back Mon-Sat midday service from Fordham Rd to Burnside Av

1934 service

Local -

owl, Sunday - Burnside to South Ferry

Mon-Fri day & evening - 167th to South Ferry

Express -

Mon-Fri rush, Sat afternoon - Fordham to Rector (SB AM, NB PM), local reverse

Mon-Fri midday, Sat forenoon - Burnside to Rector (SB AM, NB PM), local reverse

12/04/38 Extended Mon-Sat midday and evening locals from 155th St to Burnside Av

06/11/40 Discontinued service South Ferry to 155th St, retained shuttle 155th St to Burnside Av

06/01/41 Cut back shuttle from Burnside Av to 167th St

03/31/58 Began using only the south track for shuttle

08/31/58 Discontinued service



10/27/04 Began service CITY HALL to 145TH ST.

11/12/04 Extended service from 145th St to 157TH ST.

11/23/04 Rerouted some service via Lenox Av to 145TH ST.

11/26/04 Began West Farms service THIRD AV/149TH ST to temporary 180TH ST/BRONX PARK, not connected to rest of subway at this time.

01/16/05 Extended some service from Brooklyn Bridge to FULTON ST, retaining City Hall Loop.

06/12/05 Extended service from Fulton St to WALL ST.

07/09/05 Extended service from Wall St to SOUTH FERRY, also extended some service from 135th St/Lenox Av to 180th St Bronx Park, using previously opened West Farms El.

03/12/06 Extended Broadway service from 157th St to temporary 221ST ST.

01/14/07 Extended Broadway service from 221st St to 225TH ST.

01/27/07 Extended Broadway service from 225th St to temporary 230TH ST.

01/10/08 Extended service from Bowling Green to BOROUGH HALL, retaining South Ferry Loop.

05/01/08 Extended service from Borough Hall to ATLANTIC AV.

08/01/08 Extended Broadway service from 230th St to 242ND ST/VAN CORTLANDT PARK.

10/28/10 Opened permanent 180TH ST/BRONX PARK station.

06/13/13 Opened Steinway Tunnel GRAND CENTRAL to VERNON/JACKSON AVS, using former streetcar tunnel.

02/15/16 Extended Steinway service from Vernon/Jackson Avs to HUNTERS POINT AV.

02/01/17 Extended Steinway servce from Hunters Point Av to DITMARS AV

03/03/17 Extended some West Farms service from 177th St to 219TH ST via White Plains Rd El.

03/31/17 Exended West Farms Rd El service from 219th St to 238TH ST.

04/21/17 Rerouted some Steinway service from Queensboro Plaza to ALBURTIS AV

06/02/17 Began Jerome service between 149TH ST/GRAND CONCOURSE and KINGSBRIDGE RD, not connected with rest of subway at this time.

06/03/17 Began 7th Av shuttle service TIMES SQUARE to 34TH ST/PENNSYLVANIA STATION.

04/15/18 Extended Jerome service from Kingsbridge Rd to WOODLAWN RD.

07/01/18 Extended 7th Av shuttle service from 34th St/Pennsylvania Station to existing South Ferry, some routed from Chambers St to WALL ST.

07/17/18 Began Lexington shuttle service between existing 149th St/Grand Cocourse and GRAND CENTRAL.

08/01/18 Rerouted all west side service via 7th Av and all east side service via Lexington Av. Began thru service to Jerome El, and opened Pelham Bay Park service to 138th St. Old route between Times Square and Grand Central made shuttle.

08/02/18 Closed 42nd St Shuttle for modifications.

09/28/18 Reopened 42nd St Shuttle.

01/07/19 Extended Pelham Bay service from 138th St to HUNTS POINT AV.

04/15/19 Extended 7th Av service from Wall St to existing Atlantic Av, also extended Brooklyn service from Atlantic Av to GRAND ARMY PLAZA.

05/30/20 Extended Pelham Bay service from Hunts Point Av to 177TH ST

08/23/20 Extended Brooklyn service from Grad Army Plaza to UTICA AV, also branch from Franklin Av to NOSTRAND AV.

10/24/20 Extended Pelham Bay service from 177th St to WESTCHESTER SQUARE.

11/22/20 Extended Booklyn service from Utica Av to PENNSYLVANIA AV.

12/13/20 Extended West Farms Rd El service from 238th St to 241ST ST.

12/20/20 Extended Pelham Bay service from Westchester Square to PELHAM BAY PARK.

10/26/22 Extended Brooklyn service from Pennsylvania Av to NEW LOTS AV.

10/13/25 Extended Flushing service from Alburtis Av to 111TH ST.

03/22/26 Extended Flushing service from Grand Central to FIFTH AV.

03/14/27 Extended Flushing service from Fifth Av to TIMES SQUARE.

05/14/27 Extended Flushing service from 111th St to WILLETS POINT BLVD.

01/21/28 Extended Flushing service from Wllets Point Blvd to MAIN ST.

BRT/BMT car fleet

Brooklyn Elevated Ry steam coaches

100-189 1884 Pullman
190-309 1887-88 Gilbert & Bush
310-329 1891 Pullman
330-389 1893-94 Osgood Bradley

Later additions

400-411 1898 Pullman (bridge motors)
436-440 1900 Brill (motors)
450-499 1901 Jewett (motors)

3200-3232 open trailers, originally steam road


20 of 310-389 rb to motors 412-431 in 1899, 414 rebodied 1902
432-435 rb from Sea View RR 1898 Pullman coaches in 1899, later work cars 696-699
2 of 190-309 rb to motors 448-449 in 1900

51 of 100-189 rb, r# 1-51, 33 motorized, r# 800-832, 16 scrapped by 1907; 817 rebodied 1909, r# 1261 II 1930
81 of 190-309 rb, r# 52-132, 26 motorized, r# 833-858, 11 scrapped by 1907 (2 previously to motors 448-449); 126 motorized, r# 683, 82 motorized and rebodied 1910, r# 684, then r# 1282 II 1930
5 of 310-329 rb, r# 133-137 by 1907 (15 previously to motors 413-431 series)
53 of 330-389 rb, r# 138-190, 2 scrapped by 1907, 188 rebodied 1902 (5 previously to motors 413-431 series)

8 of 400-411 r# 620-627, 4 scrapped by 1907
18 of 412-431 r# 602-619 by 1907, 1 (414?) rb, r# 859, 1 scrapped by 1907
436-440 r# 628-632, then 937-941 by 1907
448-449 r# 600-601 by 1907
450-499 r# 633-682 by 1907
trailers 126, 82 motorized, r# 683-684 by 1910

Kings County Elevated Ry steam coaches

100-159 1888 Pullman
160-229 1889 Pullman
230-244 1893 Harlan & Hollingsworth

Later additions

245-264 1898 Wason (bridge motors)
265-285 1898 Wason (bridge trailers)


265-285 motorized by 1899
245-285 r# 500-540 1899
1 of 100-159 rb to motor 541 1899

59 of 100-159 motorized, r# 700-758 by 1907 (1 previously to motor 541)
66 of 160-229 rb, r# 191-256, 4 scrapped by 1907
230-244 rb, r# 257-291 by 1907

37 of 500-541 rb, r# 900-936, 5 scrapped by 1907
850,852 rb, r# 759-760 by 1907

Brooklyn Union Elevated RR purchases after 1903

1000-1119 1902-03 Stephenson convertible
(1030,1079,1081 rebodied, r# 1283,1284,1287 II)

1200-1234 1903 Osgood Bradley semi-convertible
1235-1259 1903 Brill semi-convertible
1260-1299 1903 Laconia semi-convertible

1300-1349 1905 Cincinnati convertible
1350-1374 1905 Jewett convertible
1375-1399 1905 Laconia convertible

1400-1449 1907 Jewett semi-convertible
1450-1499 1907 Laconia semi-convertible

1500-1523 1923-25 "C" type - 3-section "articulated", A & C sections rebuilt from 1422-1423, 1450-1451, 1454-1481, 1483-1486, 1488-1499 series, B section from 166-170, 172-190 series (16 later to 1521B II)
1524-1526 1925 "C" type - 3-section "articulated", A & C sections rebuilt from 1260, 1261, 1282, 1283, 1286,1287, B sections from 146, 157, 159

1600-1629 1938-39 "Q" type - 3-section "sets"
1630-1642 1939 "QX" type - 2-section "sets"
rebuilt from 1200-1299 series, 1400-1421, 1424-1447, 1449, 1452-1453 (1642B r# 1643)

Subway cars

(67' cars)

2000-2099 1914 AC&F
2100-2199 1915 AC&F
2200-2299 1916 AC&F
2300-2399 1917 AC&F
2400-2499 1918 AC&F
2500-2599 1919 AC&F
2600-2699 1920 Pressed Steel
2700-2799 1921 Pressed Steel
2800-2899 1922 Pressed Steel
4000-4049 1924 Pressed Steel (trailers)

2900-2924 1925 (ex SIRT)
2925-2929 1926 (ex SIRT trailers, never used)


Following modifications done in early 1920s

2000-2398 semipermanently mated into 133 3-unit sets, 2000-2001-2002 thru 2396-2397-2398, designated B

2399 remained as single car, designated A

2400-2489 semipermanently mated into 45 3-unit sets with 4000-4044 between, 2400-4000-2401 thru 2488-4044-2489, designated BX

2490-2499 semipermqnently mated into 5 pairs, 2490-2491 thru 2498-2499, designated BT, later expanded into 3-unit sets with trailers 4045-4049 added, 2490-4045-2491 thru 2498-4049-2499, redesignated BX

After trailers retired, 2615-2630, 2632-2649 replaced them, sets then 2400-2615-2401 thru 2430-2630-2431, 2432-2632-2433 thru 2466-2649-2467, with 2468-2469 thru 2498-2499 paired as BT.

2500 remained as single car, designated A

2501-2599 semipermanenty mated into 3-unit sets, 2501-2502-2503 thru 2597-2598-2599, designated B

2600-2749 remained as single cars, designated A. 2615-2630, 2632-2649 later made middle cars of B sets 2400-2467

2750-2899 semipermanently mated into 3-unit sets, 2750-2751-2752 thru 2771-2772-2773, 2774-2899-2775, 2776-2777-2778 thru 2896-2897-2898, designated B

D-type Triplex Articulated

6000-6003 1925 Pressed Steel
6004-6070 1927 Pressed Steel
6071-6120 1928 Pressed Steel

Lightweight articualated steel cars

7003 1934 Pullman (5 section) (ex 7000/8000/9000/8001/9001)
7004-7013 St Louis 1936 (5 section)
7014-7028 Pullman 1936 (5 section)
7029 1934 Budd (5 section) (ex 7002/8002/9001/8003/9003)

8000 1939 Clark (3 section)
8001-8005 1940 Clark (3 section)

IRT car fleet

Elevated cable cars (West Side & Yonkers Patent Ry)

1-3 1868 builder unknown (probably to steam trailers until 1872)

Elevated steam coaches

(New York Elevated (9 Av))

1-4 1872 Jackson & Sharp
5-7 1873 Jackson & Sharp
8-10 1874 Jackson & Sharp
11-16 1875 Cummings
17-25 1876 Gilbert & Bush
26-39 1877 Gilbert & Bush
40-41 1877 Jackson & Sharp (believed rejected and returned to builder)
40-80 1878 Gilbert & Bush
81-177 1878 Wason
178-208 1878 Gilbert & Bush
209-242 1878 Wason
243-292 1879 Gilbert & Bush

(Metropolitan Ry (6 Av))

1-20 1878 Barney & Smith
21-80 1878 Pullman
81-175 1879 Pullman

(Suburban Rapid Transit - Bronx)

1-4 1886 Pullman
5-26 1887 Gilbert & Bush

(Manhattan Ry)

1-39 1885 Pullman (to electric trailers 1902-03 except #11)
40-80 1878 Gilbert & Bush (ex NYE 40-80)
81-177 1878 Wason (ex NYE 81-177)
178-208 1878 Gilbert & Bush (ex NYE 178-208)
209-242 1878 Wason (ex NYE 209-242)

Note -- 40-242 retired and sold after steam service ended

11 (2) 1907 St Louis (trailer)
40-41 (2) 1902 Wason (motor)
42-91 (2) 1901 AC&F (motor)
92-112 (2) 1902 Wason (motor)
113-241 (2) 1903 Wason (motor)
242 (2) 1907 St Louis (trailer)

243-292 1879 Gilbert & Bush (ex NYE 243-292, to electric trailers 1907)
293-364 1882 Bowers Dure & Co (to electric trailers 1902-03)
365-369 1889 Pullman (to electric trailers 1902-03)
370-393 1886 Gilbert & Bush (to electric motors 1902-03)
394-500 1887 Gilbert & Bush (to electric motors 1902-03)
501-520 1878 Barney & Smith (ex MET 1-20, to electric tralers 1902-03)
521-580 1878 Pullman (ex MET 21-80, to electric trailers 1902-03)
581-675 1879 Pullman (ex MET 81-175, to electric trailers 1902-03)
676-825 1880-81 Pullman to electric trailers (676-790), motors (791-825) 1902-03)
826-919 1887 Gilbert & Bush (to electric motors 1902-03)
920-1019 1890-91 Wason (to electric motors 1902-03)
1020-1094 1893 Wason (to electric motors 1902-03)
1095-1098 1886 Pullman (ex SUB 1-4, to electric motors 1902-03)
1099-1120 1887 Gilbert & Bush (ex SUB 5-26, to electric motors 1902-03)
1121-1218 1903 Wason
1219 1902 AC&F (trailer, originally #142) (convertible)
1220-1244 1902 Jewett (trailer) (convertible)
1245-1254 1902 AC&F (trailer) (convertible)
1255-1314 1903 Wason (convertible)
1315-1364 1904 Wason (trailer)
1365-1414 1904 St Louis (trailer)
1415-1528 1907-08 St Louis (trailer)
1529-1612 1907 Wason
1613-1652 1910 Barney & Smith
1653-1672 1910 Jewett
1673-1692 1909 Wason (trailer)
1693-1712 1911 St Louis (trailer)
1713-1752 1911 Wason (trailer)
1753-1792 1911 Jewett
1793-1812 1911 Cincinnati

Subway cars

2000-2059 1903-04 Jewett (trailer)
2060-2119 1903-04 St Louis (trailer)
2120-2159 1903-04 Wason (trailer)

3000-3039 1903-04 Jewett
3040-3139 1903-04 Stephenson
3140-3279 1903-04 St Louis
3280-3339 1903-04 Wason

Note -- 478 converted to Lo-V motors for Elevated Division service 1916

3350-3649 1904 AC&F
3650-3699 1908 AC&F
3700-3809 1910 AC&F
3810-3849 1910 Standard Steel
3850-4024 1910 Pressed Steel
4025-4036 1915 Pressed Steel (Lo-V Steinway)
4037-4160 1916-17 Pullman (Flivver - motors and controls from composites)
4161-4222 1916-17 Pullman trailer (Flivver - controls from composites) (4215-4222 to Steinway)
4223-4514 1916-17 Pullman trailer (Hi-V) (controls from composities) (4223-4250 motorized)
4515-4576 1916-17 Pullman (Lo-V) (4555-4576 to Steinway)
4577-4699 1916-17 Pullman (Lo-V)
4700-4770 1916-17 Pullman (Lo-V Steinway)
4771-4810 1916-17 Pullman (Lo-V trailer)
4811-4825 1916-17 Pullman (Lo-V)
4826-4965 1917 Pullman (trailer)
4966-5302 1917 Pullman
5303-5402 1922 Pullman (trailer)
5403-5627 1924 AC&F (trailer)
5628-5652 1926 AC&F (Steinway)
5653-5702 1938 St Louis (Steinway)

IND car fleet

100-399 1930-31 AC&F (R-1)
400-899 1932-33 AC&F (R-4)
900-1149 1935-36 AC&F (R-6)
1150-1299 1936 Pullman (R-6)
1300-1399 1936 Pressed Steel (R-6)
1400-1474 1937 AC&F (R-7)
1475-1549 1937 Pullman (R-7)
1550-1599 1938 Pullman (R-7A)
1600-1649 1938 AC&F (R-7A)
1650-1701 1940 AC&F (R-9)
1702-1802 1940 Pressed Steel (R-9)



Market-Frankford Line

03/04/07 Began service 69TH ST to 15TH ST

08/03/08 Extended service from 15th St to 2ND ST

09/07/08 Extended service from 2nd St to MARKET/CHESTNUT STS

10/04/08 Extended service from Market/Chestnut Sts to SOUTH ST

11/05/22 Rerouted some service to BRIDGE/PRATT STS via city-owned Frankford Elevated

01/24/37 Cut South St branch to Mon-Sat daytime, also Sundays in summer only

05/08/39 Closed South St branch, all service to Bridge/Pratt Sts


1-40 Pressed Steel 1906
41-80 Pressed Steel 1907
81-100 Pressed Steel 1909
101-135 Pressed Steel 1911
136-165 Brill 1911
166-215 Brill 1913
501-600 Brill 1922 (City-owned)

Broad St Line

09/02/28 Began service OLNEY to CITY HALL

04/20/30 Extended service from City Hall to LOMBARD/SOUTH

12/21/32 Began Ridge Av service Girard to 8TH/MARKET Mon-Sat

06/07/36 Began Bridge service 8th/Market t BROADWAY, began Sunday and owl service on Ridge Av

02/13/38 Discontinued Ridge Av and Bridge owl service

08/08/43 Thru routed Ridge Av and Bridge services Girard to Broadway Sundays and evenings


1-150 Brill 1927
151-200 Pressed Steel 1938
1001-1026 Brill 1936 (Bridge cars)


05/22/07 Began service 69TH TERMINAL to STAFFORD

10/07/07 Began express service

01/01/08 Discontinued express service

08/26/12 Rerouted some service to NORRISTOWN, began express service

11/14/31 Cut back service from Norristown to NORRISTOWN TERMINAL


1-16 1905 St Louis (not delivered, resold to San Francisco)

25-46 1907 St Louis
50 1920 Brill
51-52 1922 Brill
60 1924 Brill (r# 165)
61-65 1927 Brill (r# 161-164,169)
66-70 1929 Brill (r# 166-168,160,170)
200-209 1931 Brill
203 (2nd) 1933 Brill

More Information

Chicago Rapid Transit Wikipedia article

Boston Elevated Railway Wikipedia article

Philadelphia Rapid Transit Wikipedia article

New York City Subway Lines Wikipedia article
