John W. Young Papers

This page was last updated on June 26, 2011.

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Notes describing letters and telegrams held in the John W. Young Collection in LDS Church Historian's Office, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Original research completed by George E. Pitchard during mid 1980s, included as part of his limited, self-published Utah Railroads Scrapbook.


August 7, 1871
"Go north in the morning. Think of organizing another RR Co. for the northern part of territory." (Letter, JWY to [unknown], August 7, 1871, Letterbook 'A', page 204, LDS Church Historian's Office)

August 7, 1871
Relative to the road steamer, which was first run the other day; they took a flatcar from the track and used it to haul a boat to the Jordan River, a distance of about one mile; weight he says was about 15 tons. The steamer cost $5,000; the boat $3,000. (Letter, JWY to D. D. Williamson, August 7, 1871, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

August 28, 1871
" connection with the U.N.RR.Co., the organization was made on Wednesday..." "We will need one locomotive, five flatcars, two boxcars and two passenger cars ... just as soon as they can possibly be sent." (Letter, JWY to Joseph Richardson, August 28, 1871, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

October 7, 1871
Freight on carload of material, Ogden to Brigham City - $31.90 (JWY Private Account with Utah Northern Railroad, October 7, 1871, Letterbook 'A', page 432, LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 3, 1871
"Cash for 2nd class fare from Ogden to Omaha for Robert Knox, who brought engine" - $62.00 (JWY Private Account with Utah Northern Railroad, November 3, 1871, Letterbook 'A', page 432, LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 15, 1871
Cars have not yet arrived. (Letter, JWY to [unknown], November 15, 1871, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 25, 1871
Cars still not arrived yet; $800 is needed to build a shed for the engine, and the C. P.'s freight bill for taking the engine to U.N. junction needs to be paid. (Letter, JWY to Joseph Richardson, November 25, 1871, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 27, 1871
"Cash for C.P. charges taking Engine and Tender to Junction" - $63.36 (JWY Private Account with Utah Northern Railroad, November 27, 1871, Letterbook 'A', page 432, LDS Church Historian's Office)

December 26, 1871
"If Cars are not finished make gauge four feet eight inches and a half," (Telegram, JWY to Philip Diesenger, Philadelphia, December 26, 1871, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office) (These were the first cars for the street railroad.)

December 28, 1871
Notify of arrival on UCRR of cars 1633, 1562, 1619, 1674, 2259 and 2210, loaded with rail belonging to JWY; from Pottsville; and for the street railroad. (Letter, J. N. Pike to D. O. Calder, December 28, 1871, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office) (D. O. Calder was General Freight and Traffic Agent of Utah Central Railroad)

Letter reveals that Joseph Richardson had the only pass over the Deseret Telegraph line other than the one held by Brigham Young. (Letter, JWY to [unknown], 1872, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

March 12, 1872
The changing of the gauge on the street railroad cars was rather costly, nearly finished. (Letter, JWY to [unknown], March 12, 1872, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

March 30, 1872
Bill dated January 3, 1872, Brill & Sons, for $1,678.00, for the cars for the street railroad. (Letter, JWY to [unknown], March 30, 1872, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

April 13, 1872
"Glass gauge for Engine" - $14.25 (JWY Private Account with Utah Northern Railroad, April 13, 1872, Letterbook 'A', page 432, LDS Church Historian's Office)

August 29, 1872
"Silver's order to get material for ashpan" - $10.00 (JWY Private Account with Utah Northern Railroad, August 29, 1872, Letterbook 'A', page 432, LDS Church Historian's Office)

August 2, 1872
Cash paid 'C.R.Savage to go and take photos of road.' - $65.00 (JWY Private Account with Utah Northern Railroad, August 2, 1872, Letterbook 'A', page 432, LDS Church Historian's Office)

April 23, 1872
"flat cars are gone forward." (Telegram, JR to JWY, April 23, 1872, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

July 24, 1872
"The cars I bought of you last winter came without lamps. Will you please send three lamps that will fit the globes you put in the cars?" Also, JWY wants 'one or two' more cars the same as the others. (Letter, JWY to Brill, July 24, 1872, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

September 11, 1872
"Passenger cars arrived." (Telegram, Riter to JWY, September 11, 1872, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

September 14, 1872
"2 passenger, 2 flat & 4 extra wheels arrived here 9th inst. in charge of Albert Dutton, all safe." Cars unloaded on the 10th, from PRR cars. "Get some cattle & more box cars & hurry up engine. Am afraid this one will give out have been detained once or twice with it." (Letter, Pike to JWY (in New York), September 14, 1872, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

October 9, 1872
"send extra spring pony truck for number one" and "answer when locomotives were shipped." (Telegram, Pike to JWY, October 9, 1872, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

October 14, 1872
"The two Engines have arrived." (Letter, Riter to JWY, October 14, 1872, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

October 21, 1872
"The new engines have been fitted up and work admirably." (Letter, Riter to JWY, October 21, 1872, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

October 24, 1872
A freight bill of nearly $1,100 on the four cars for UNRR needs to be paid rather soon, please. (Letter, JWY to [unknown], October 24, 1872, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 9, 1872
Summit County Railroad -- "Get Preston to order Pike to ship two hundred tons iron with spikes, bolts and fishplates, one new locomotive and three flats from Junction to Echo City." (Telegram, JWY to Riter to JAY, November 9, 1872, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

January 28, 1873
"Jacobs' company offers you vice presidency... Will you accept? Ans. immed." (Telegram, Riter to JWY, January 28, 1873, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

May 13, 1873
JWY resigns as V. Pres. of SLSV&PRR. (Letter, JWY to [unknown], May 13, 1873, Letterbook 'A', page 853, LDS Church Historian's Office)

May 16, 1873
"On what terms will you furnish immediately fifteen flat cars, same as others, for the Summit County Railroad?" (Letter, JWY to Billmeyer & Small, May 16, 1873, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

October 28, 1874
Utah Western -- No track laid on U.W. as yet, and when it is, joints to be 'broken';, or staggered; "Have a gang of men behind the spikers to surface up the track before the engine passes over it." (Letter, JWY to G. W. Thatcher and J. N. Pike, October 28, 1874, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 6, 1874
Carter built the Pioche & Bullionville. (Letter, Col. J. F. Carter to JWY, November 6, 1874, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 19, 1874
Utah Western -- Tracklaying in progress, about 3/4th's mile per day being laid; bridges all built, motive power and cars all at Salt Lake City, and the iron all on hand or shipped, for the 20 miles to Lake Point. (Letter, JWY to [unknown], November 19, 1874, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

January 28, 1875
Letter writers are rather upset, enough so to try and get Brigham Young to sidetrack his son's plans! "The sympathy of the whole people north, and along the line, and at Salt Lake, are with the narrow gauge." (Letter, H. B. Clawson, H. P. Kimball, G. W. Thatcher, etc., to JWY, as Pres. of the Salt Lake & Ogden Railway, January 28, 1875, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office) (Salt Lake & Ogden Railway was a three-foot line designed to connect the Utah Northern and the Utah Western, paralleling the standard-gauge Utah Central.)

January 31, 1875
"In a recent letter you mentioned the success you were having in your great scheme of Narrow Gauge railways throughout the Territory." "It is generally admitted here that you have no superior as a railroad man..." "The great monopoly"(U.P.) and 'its deadly influence' and so forth. The people "are loud in their praise of your movement in this special matter." "The Railway Ring" is boasting about that they will stop the narrow gauge (the line SLC--Ogden), "or ruin every man in it." "I do not think your system of narrow gauge railroads through the territory will ever or can ever be carried out." "They (the RR Ring) tried very hard to get him (B.Y.) to commit himself in opposition to the narrow gauge, but I am satisfied he did not do it." (Letter, H. B. Clawson to JWY, January 31, 1875, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

May 6, 1875
"Amount borrowed for five days of H.P.Kimball to help pay freight on cars" - $1,800.00 (Letter, JWY to [unknown], May 6, 1875, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

May 6, 1875
"Freight on 9 car loads of cars" - $4,488.40 (Letter, JWY to [unknown], May 6, 1875, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

May 20, 1875
"Freight on Engine & Tender" - $1,187.05 (Letter, JWY to [unknown], May 6, 1875, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

June 25, 1875
Control of the Utah Northern can still be had, by C.P.R.R., 'if worked quietly'. (Letter, JWY to C. P. Huntington, C.P.R.R, June 25, 1875, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

July 27, 1875
Reference to JWY's note to Brooks Locomotive Works, which is due August 16, 1875. (Letter, JWY to [unknown], July 27, 1875, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

August 10, 1875
Utah Western -- "repairs to Engine Oquirrh" - $125.14 (JWY Private Account with Utah Western Railroad, August 10, 1875, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

October 19, 1875
JWY resigns as president of the Utah Northern RR; replaced by Royal M. Bassett, Birmingham, Conn. (Letter, JWY to UNRR, on UP letterhead, October 19, 1875, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

February 26, 1876
Utah Western -- "Statistical Information"; equipment is two locomotives, five passenger coaches, 22 flat cars, three box cars, and eight hand & iron cars. Total cost given as $65,000.00. (Letter, JWY to [unknown], February 26, 1876, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)

June 8, 1877
"Baggage & Express cars will cost $3,500." No more information. (Telegram, [unknown] to JWY, June 8, 1877, Letterbook 'A', LDS Church Historian's Office)


February 24, 1885
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- "Can you furnish the S L & Ft D Rwy room for a locomotive under your sheds. Can you furnish us the necessary materials to attach an air brake apparatus to our locomotive, and would it be consistent to give us the privilege to have our men put it on in your shops? Please reply by bearer." (Letter, JWY to W. H. Bancroft, Mgr & Rec D&RGW Rwy, February 24, 1885, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 2, fd 4, page 94, LDS Church Historian's Office)

February 28, 1885
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Bill from Central Pacific for $32,959.58 for 10 miles of iron and etcetera; 56-pound iron, from other sources. (Letter, C. P. R. R. to JWY, February 28, 1885, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 2, fd 4, page 102, LDS Church Historian's Office)

June 10, 1886
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas does not need any of Taylor's 16-pound or 24-pound rail, as the SL&FD has just gotten 10 miles of 56-pound iron from C.P.; also not interested in his two engines, 23 and 24 tons, which Stayner presumes are in Nevada. (Letter, Stayner to Thomas Taylor, Cedar City, June 10, 1886, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 2, fd 4, page 202, LDS Church Historian's Office)

June 23, 1886
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Relates to Bishop Taylor's attempts to peddle his old narrow gauge equipment (which is the remains of the old Pioche & Bullionville RR, in Nevada) (Letter, Stayner to Thomas Taylor, Cedar City, June 23, 1886, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 2, fd 4, page 206, LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 16, 1886
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- "What shall be done for motive power? Shall the little engine be tried? Shall I employ Bro. McDonald as fireman to fire up and start her out?" (Letter, Stayner to JWY, November 16, 1886, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 2, fd 4, page 227, LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 18, 1886
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- first use of SL&FD letterhead, this letter was on a proof thereof. (Letter, November 16, 1886, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 2, fd 4, page 227, LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 20, 1886
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- "The engine needs a patch on the boiler, so Bro. Croft says & so says Bro. McDonald. Shall it be done? or will you make other arrangements for power? The D & R G people have needed the roundhouse room and have set the Engine outside." (Letter, Stayner to JWY, November 20, 1886, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 2, fd 4, page 235, LDS Church Historian's Office)


January 4, 1887
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- The first reference found to "Engine No. 1", by number. (Letter, JWY to [unknown], January 4, 1887, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 2, fd 4, page 265, LDS Church Historian's Office)

January 15, 1887
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- On January 13th, Stayner down at the railroad, "...we had just got the little Engine on the track, but she had dropped down between the rails on the wye where the rails had been spread a little by the D &. R G engines,..." Also, a reference to the 7th street trestle bridge, under construction. (Letter, Stayner to JWY, January 15, 1887, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 2, fd 4, page 283, LDS Church Historian's Office)

January 21, 1887
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- "The Engine we have tried on the track, but her pumps and valves are very much out of order so I had her repaired. In doing this she does not open up very flatteringly and in opening up the steam boxes some of the bolts were found quite rusted & rotten, so it will be quite costly to get her in shape." "The D & R G have two engines at Denver, 18 ton engines, No's 4 & 7, Mr. Bancroft tells me which would, he thinks, do you good service and could be bought on very reasonable terms. We have the Engine in our own house double-tracked, and are repairing her there." (Letter, Stayner to JWY, January 21, 1887, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 2, fd 4, page 288, LDS Church Historian's Office)

January 31, 1887
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Reference to repairs to "Engine No. 1" (JWY Journal, January 31, 1887, MS 1237, box 8, fd 17, page 63, LDS Church Historian's Office)

February 9, 1887
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas wants to borrow from D&RGW, two flatcars with which to lay track. (Letter, Stayner to Bancroft, February 9, 1887, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 2, fd 4, page 304, LDS Church Historian's Office)

March 14, 1887
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Bancroft can't loan out D&RG cars, but if get permission from Denver, then he will. Also, "I think the Engine will push up one loaded car at a time, and we can get along to lay our track with that." (Letter, Stayner to JWY, March 14, 1887, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 2, fd 4, page 304, LDS Church Historian's Office)

March 30, 1887
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- "...the Engine repaired..." (Letter, JWY to [unknown], March 30, 1887, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 2, fd 4, page 328, LDS Church Historian's Office)

April 10, 1887
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Sundries to D & R G W - $52.78: "Engine No. 1 freight from Ogden" "Man 302, WB No. 748, Feby 28/85" "Car 8265, 20,000 pounds at 15 cents - $30.00" (JWY Journal, April 10, 1887, MS 1237, box 8, fd 17, page 67, LDS Church Historian's Office) (Pitchard determined that entry was for Salt Lake & Fort Douglas Engine No. 1, carried from Ogden to Salt Lake by the D&RGW on February 28, 1885, on flatcar number 8265 manifest 302, waybill 748, for 20,000 pounds at 15 cents per hundred pounds, along with an iron account freight charge, likely for the 56-pound iron gotten from the Central Pacific.)

July 12, 1887
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- the Engine has been stored more than not, as no use for it at present -- suits in progress for right-of-way, and they are delaying the construction. (Letter, JWY to [unknown], July 12, 1887, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 2, fd 4, page 328, LDS Church Historian's Office)

August 5, 1887
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- "Fourth - An Engine; we have kept the No. 1 going and have managed with it to bring up all the material without keeping the tracklayers waiting. From 15 to 20 rails or 6000 to 8000 lbs. at a time we have done when we could keep moving and did not stop, but when stopped we could not start again on the hill. Consequently the Engine has been put to its utmost capacity and has done well for its weight and condition. But it is dangerous to work it this way. By keeping the track in good condition and putting on an injector, doing away with the pumps which are nearly gone they are so cracked, she may work some time on the Cottonwood Branch as you designed, but she is useless on the Ft. Douglas division, it would be impossible to push up one car of coal. Arrangements are made for Bro. Croft to go up to Pocatello, to see the engines and make a selection..." (Letter, Stayner to JWY, August 5, 1887, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 2, fd 4, page 402, LDS Church Historian's Office)

August 25, 1887
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- letter refers to the wye with D&RGW at junction point, and that the curves thereon are to be widened from 40 degrees to 25 degrees. (Letter, JWY to [unknown], August 25, 1887, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 2, fd 4, page 419, LDS Church Historian's Office)

May 23, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- "If you do not take the baggage car we shall have to let the other party have it. Please answer quick." (Telegram, C. F. Resseguie to Stayner, May 23, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 2, page 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)

May 23, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- (answer) "Mr. Young is now 3 days on road to the East, where he makes arrangements with your people for all material he wants. It is his intention to take the baggage car and all the others mentioned." (Telegram, Stayner to C. F. Resseguie, May 23, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 2, page 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)

August 30, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- "We have Just received our engines, and am a little surprised to find that there are no tools on either of the engines. As this was the understanding that the engines were to be equipped,...will you have the kindness to send them to us at once, and oblige." (Letter, R. Croft to J. S. Hickey, Master Mechanic, Pocatello, Idaho Div., August 30, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)

August 30, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- A letter inquiring after the track scale recently taken up at Dillon. (Letter, R. Croft to J. S. Hickey, Master Mechanic, Pocatello, Idaho Div., August 30, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)

September 5, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- "Ship the locomotives and cars, with air brakes, to Ogden at once. Price satisfactory." (Letter, R. Croft to C. F. Resseguie, Pocatello, September 5, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 3, fd 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)

September 15, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Referring to a telegram from C. F. Resseguis, answering JWY's of 13th: "Before giving engine to the Utah & Nevada we spent about $250.00 in repairs so the S L & Ft D Ry are benefited rather than otherwise. We can't make any reduction in price if they take the engine. Please look out for payment." (Telegram, R. Croft, in Ogden, to JWY, September 15, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 4, LDS Church Historian's Office)

September 20, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Order for 120 flues, 1-1/2-inch diameter by 8 feet 2 inches long, "such as Baldwin use for three feet gauge mogul engine." (Letter, JWY to Middleton's, September 20, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 3, fd 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)

September 21, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Order for 120 flues, 1-1/2-inch diameter by 8 feet 2 inches long, "such as Baldwin use for three feet gauge mogul engine." Again to Middleton's -- JWY is in a real hurry for the flues! (Telegram, JWY to Middleton's, September 21, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 3, fd 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)

September 30, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- engine No. 8 has very bad flanges. (Letter, JWY to John M. Whitaker, September 30, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 7, fd 4, LDS Church Historian's Office)

October 2, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Engine No. 13 hit a car, knocked off steam chest, it appears, in an "accident at Sugar House on Monday" October 1st; repairs to No. 13 were $35.00. (Letter, JWY to [unknown], October 2, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 5, LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 2, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Engine No. 3 in shops; Croft "has had a telegram about the snow plow, and can get it, but I told him he had better find out the price, which he is now waiting for." (Letter, Stayner to JWY, November 2, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 5, LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 15, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- painting of cars to SL&E, and numbering them; have painted engine No. 9, cabooses and baggage cars; minor repairs to engine No. 2, including flues, goes out tomorrow; No. 13 goes in next; and some work done on engine No. 8. (Letter, JWY to John M. Whitaker, November 15, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 7, fd 4, LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 16, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- work on No's 2 and 13. (Letter, JWY to John M. Whitaker, November 16, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 7, fd 4, LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 19, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Br. Croft is busy with the engines -- "he reports some of the ones (engines) shipped from the East are not good"; Whitaker will write to the firm they were gotten from. (Letter, JWY to John M. Whitaker, November 19, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 7, fd 4, LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 21, 1888
Salt Lake & Eastern -- Croft reports work done on No's 8 and 13; No. 9 now lettered 'S. L. & Eastern'. (Letter, JWY to John M. Whitaker, November 21, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 7, fd 4, LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 23, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- No. 2 going out in morning onto the road. (Letter, JWY to John M. Whitaker, November 23, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 7, fd 4, LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 26, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- No. 13 worked on; flues, air brakes, etcetera. (Letter, JWY to John M. Whitaker, November 26, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 7, fd 4, LDS Church Historian's Office)

December 5, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- work on No. 3 and tender of No. 9. (Letter, JWY to John M. Whitaker, December 5, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 7, fd 4, LDS Church Historian's Office)

December 15, 1888
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Price of turn table $225. Arrange soon as possible ready to load. (Telegram, R. Croft, in Ogden, to J. Whitaker, BeeHive House, December 15, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 4, LDS Church Historian's Office)


January 10, 1889
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- freight on engine (Shay) is $519.51. (Letter, [unknown] to JWY, January 10, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 5, LDS Church Historian's Office)

April 18, 1889
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- "Have Croft report tomorrow number Engines & flat cars left on Northern with price for lot." (Telegram, JWY, in New York, to [unknown], April 18, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 4, LDS Church Historian's Office)

May 1889
Salt Lake & Eastern -- 'the road owns four locomotives, 50 freight cars, one baggage car, three cabooses, and are getting two locomotives, four passenger cars and 50 freight cars." The Salt Lake & Eastern and the Salt Lake & Fort Douglas are being run as one railroad. (Letter, May 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 5, fd 10, LDS Church Historian's Office)

June 1, 1889
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- "No. 1 is in the pump house, pumping water in tank. No. 2 is in the shops for new crown stays, will be ready for road next week. No. 3 is on the road, as is also No. 9 and both in pretty fair condition. No. 6 is in the shops, having new side rod brasses put on, will be on the road by the 15th; No. 8, in shops, having new flues put in, 2 axle brasses and 6 new wedges put on. Tires have been "turned up" and new wheels will have to be put under the tender."The Shay engine has been in the shops for a long time, undergoing repairs of the accident. Her beams, upon which the engine rests, are straightened, axles also stratened, and new cab built. Mr. Trent has sent for the new parts, (and the engine) will be put on the road in three weeks, Croft says, just as good as new. He states that it takes only half the fuel, and will do the work of any two engines we have." (Letter, Whitaker to JWY, June 1, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 5, page 65, LDS Church Historian's Office)

June 4, 1889
Utah Central -- freight on the Shay on the Utah Central is paid - $269.50 (Letter, June 4, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 5, LDS Church Historian's Office)

June 23, 1889
Utah Western -- in regard to equipment purchases, no numbers! (Letter, JWY to Ben Watson, September 14, 1888, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 3, fd 3, LDS Church Historian's Office)

June 25, 1889
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Letter to Ramsey Transfer Apparatus Company; inquiring as to terms, etc, for two such devices. (Letter, JWY to Ramsey Transfer Apparatus Company; 743 Drexel Building; Philadelphia, June 25, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 5, LDS Church Historian's Office)

July 11, 1889
Utah Western -- Watson to get nine passenger cars in all; "I would like 3 of the best passenger cars shipped as soon as possible, one of the heavy combination [Consolidation?] locomotives, also the switch locomotive, No. 16". (Letter, JWY to Ben Watson, July 11, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 3, fd 3, LDS Church Historian's Office)

July 15, 1889
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- "Find out who was to blame in tearing off the pilot on engine No. 3, and let them be made responsible. We must not have our rolling stock injured by carelessness, without the men becoming responsible." (Letter, JWY to [unknown], July 15, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)

August 6, 1889
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Letter inquiring about suburban 'dummy' type engines, to pull a grade of 250 feet per mile. (Letter, JWY to H. K. Porter, August 6, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)

August 27, 1889
Utah Western -- Benjamin Watson reports price of passenger cars at $315.00 each. (Telegram, [unknown] to JWY, August 27, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 4, LDS Church Historian's Office)

September 20, 1889
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Telling Croft he will not be needed after the 15th of October, as he is being replaced by W. J. Silver. (Letter, JWY to Robert Croft, September 20, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)

September 23, 1889
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- It would appear that nothing has been shipped to Utah as yet. (Letter, JWY to Ben Watson, September 23, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 3, fd 3, LDS Church Historian's Office)

September 26, 1889
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- W. J. Silver is to go to Lima in regard to the new engines ordered; and thence to Canton, Ohio, in regard to the equipment being purchased, and select two of the heaviest locomotives, 25 flatcars, and two or three of the passenger cars, and ship all at once. (Letter, JWY to W. J. Silver, September 26, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)

September 28, 1889
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Watson to ship two passenger cars 'next week'. (Telegram, [unknown] to JWY, September 28, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 4, LDS Church Historian's Office)

October 7, 1889
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- -- "Ship two heaviest Baldwin locomotives. If not equipped with air, take air off the two Porter locomotives and ship with them, also passenger car and 25 flat cars." (Letter, JWY to W. J. Silver, in Canton, Ohio, October 7, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 3, fd 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)

October 25, 1889
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- More stuff to be shipped yet, and some disagreement regarding repairs to the stuff. (Letter, JWY to B. Watson, October 25, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 3, fd 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)

October 28, 1889
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- JWY orders two Shay engines, of 36 ton nominal weight, on terms, of 1/3 on delivery, 1/3 in 90 days and 1/3 in 180 days; cost to be $6,000.00 each, plus freight, and the first one shipped in December, and the second in January. (Letter, JWY to [unknown], October 28, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 2, page 84, LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 6, 1889
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- "Ship the coach and heaviest locomotives now ready immediately by Rock Island and D & R G from Denver. Wells starts tomorrow. Leave other cars until he arrives. Answer." (Letter, JWY to B. Watson, November 6, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 3, fd 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)

November 18, 1889
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Letter in code, parts in clear are: "...shipping one consolidated engine and one or two passenger cars, immediately by U. P. ..." (Letter, JWY to J. F. Wells, November 18, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 3, fd 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)

December 4, 1889
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Letter in code, parts in clear are: "...consolidated locomotives... ...passenger cars..." (Letter, JWY to J. F. Wells, December 4, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 3, fd 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)

December 25, 1889
Salt Lake & Eastern -- Passing reference to the six percent grade on the Lamb's Canyon track. (Letter, JWY to a nephew, December 25, 1889, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 4, fd 2, page 84, LDS Church Historian's Office)

March 6, 1890
Consolidation of SL&FD, SL&E, UW into Utah Central Railway -- relative to the merging of all the railroads, the SL &FD has 23 miles in operation, part of it ready for third rail; SL&E has 32 miles laid, five miles of rail on hand, and 25 miles of grade in the course of construction beyond Park City; and the Utah Western has 20 miles graded, and five miles 'ready to be laid'. The combined rolling stock of the three lines amounts to 14 locomotives, two baggage cars, five caboose cars, 12 passenger cars and 220 freight cars. (Letter, March 6, 1890, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 5, fd 10, LDS Church Historian's Office)

April, 1890
Salt Lake & Fort Douglas -- Apparently still doing business with New York Equipment Company. (Telegram, JWY to [unknown], April 1890, Letterbook, MS 1237, box 3, fd 2, LDS Church Historian's Office)
